Monarch Preparatory
Welcome to Monarch Prep, the school that the children of the most prestigious and well-known socialites attend.
Welcome to Monarch Prep, the school where children of the, richest, most prestigious and well-known people and celebrities attend. Located in a small town just outside of London, England, parents often send in a hefty donation to make sure their precious child gets treated right — and by that, we mean spoiled to no end. There are no roommates. Each student resides in their own richly furnished dormitory. The boys’ and girls’ housing are on opposite sides of the campus; Monarch Prep wanted to at least try to keep them from sleeping in each others’ rooms. With these hormone crazed teenagers, though, there isn’t much the faculty could do. Since everyone lives on campus, there is bound to be drama, rivalries, enemies, parties, sex, and drugs. The rich play and party hard, and all these students have the money to blow.
Monarch is a small school with a little over 300 students. Break ups, make ups and hook ups are always happening before, after, and in between classes. Everyone usually knows the gossip; however, a site has been created purely to cause even more chaos. The owner blogs under the alias G. Students are constantly sending in gossip and rumors about their fellow classmates. How could they not? When you’re stranded in a boarding school with nothing else to do, gossip is the most entertaining thing you’ve got. But G does more than spread the latest gossip. The anonymous blogger is constantly blasting students, splitting up couples and even injuring people by creating chaos among students. A student’s death has even been linked to this troublemaker. Whether or not this really has to do with the blogger is a mystery, but G is a force to be reckoned with. Don’t want to be a victim? Better do what G says. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the social ladder; or worse, this evil gossip queen’s next target.
Everyone has secrets
Money might buy these students happiness, but it can’t help them escape the drama that happens at Monarch Prep.
Activities & school Facilities
School Extra Activities
Optional school activities / extra-curricular for Monarch students :
Student Council*
Drama Club
Cheerleading Club
Lacrosse Team
Basketball Team
Football Team
Literature Club
Rowing Team
Music Club / Vocal Groups
Art Club
Swimming Team
Dance Club
* only for middle and senior year to apply. consists only of six chosen students.
School Subjects
Monarch Prep School subjects :
(Open for teachers)
Biology (taken)
Geography (taken)
History (taken)
English Literature
French (taken)
German (taken)
Music (taken)
Visual Art
Physical Education / PE (taken)
School Facilities

Girls Dormitory

Boys Dormitory

Monarch Theatre


Cafetaria / Lunchroom


Eastern Lake

Indoor Swimming Pool

School Field

Fitness Room

Orchestra Room

Art Room

Science Lab

Nursing Room
Student Council
Student Council consists of six students (three males, three females) under Principal Ursula's monitor. They are usually more involved in students' related activities. Members of the council can have a say in deciding students' activities, such as organizing and choosing a prom theme or organizing a charity event.
Chosen members of the Student Council :
School rules
OO1. Students are not allowed to be outside of their assigned dormitories after curfew time: 11PM.
OO2. Breaking curfew will result in two weeks detention & breaking any school rules will result in detention ( How long will depend on the rule ).
OO3. All students must attend schools event unless there are some reasons why can't they make it.
OO4. Students are allowed to leave school grounds after school time with a permission slip. However, they must return before curfew.
OO5. No boys are allowed in girls' dormitory, and vice versa.
OO6. Dressed neat and clean. All students in Monarch Prep must follow the dresscode rules.
Monarch Preparatory High School is very proud of its students. One way we celebrate this is through our School Board uniform policy which enables students to identify as part of our school community. The principal and staff encourage students to dress neatly and appropriately, following the school's uniform policy at all times.
The followings are uniforms in Monarch Prep :
Daily Uniforms
P.E Uniforms
Agency rules
Refer here if you're looking for 'How To Join'.
Rule 1: Have Fun. This is a role play for people to hang out, escape from real life stresses and blow off some steam. So don’t make it a job! It’s meant to be fun, so enjoy it.
Rule 2: Be Active. While we are flexible with activity, we ask that you come on at least 3 times a week. We encourage communication through gif convos, but please try to do plots with other characters. Posting pictures/music/quotes does not count as activity. The inactivity standard is:
3 Days of Inactivity after verification will prompt a Warning
7 Days of Inactivity after verification (4 Days after Warning); will result in Unverified
If you are going to be away for a long period of time, please let us know by sending a message to the main so that we do not unverify your account. Also, please give us a warning if you plan on leaving the role play. All we ask is a simple message before changing or deactivating the account so we know about it. Make sure we’ve replied to your message before changing the account!
Rule 3: No OOC Drama. There are two forms of drama: OOC and IC. We do not tolerate OOC drama. If we see that you are creating OOC drama, you will be removed immediately without warning. IC drama is encouraged. The more drama we have between characters the more G will be involved. I trust you are all mature enough to differentiate IC and OOC drama. If you ever do have a problem with another role player and it cannot be resolved, feel free to send a message to the admins. We will take appropriate action in resolving the problem.
Rule 4: Plotting. Please make sure that you do plots occasionally while staying with us, either self-plot or partner plot. While gif convos are great, they do not develop characters/relationships. We use multiverse system with 3 on-going plots as maximum. Our main language will be Bahasa, but you are allowed to do plots in English if you want. We also do not allow godmodding. If you don’t know what that is, message us and we will do our best to explain.
The maximum time to finish your plot is five days. You can still continue after the said time, however, all plots after 5x24 will not be counted for rewards.
Selfplot = $10 + 5 points / reply.
Partnered plot = $8 + 4 points / reply.
Group plot = $5 + 2 points / reply
Rule 5: Roles. Please stick to the character bios as closely as possible. There isn't any specific rules about faceclaims, as long as your chosen FC can still fit as teenagers, why not. We encouraged diversity in characters, meaning you can use POC faceclaims for your roles. The ratio between Caucasian FC and POC FC is 5:3. Also, we strongly forbid anyone to do racewashing to their character.
Rule 6: Keep the Timeline Neat. This means limit your OOC posts. We have an OOC time, which is around 7PM to 6AM WIB. That being said, there should be no OOC posts on timeline outside the stated time. If you are having trouble with any of these, please message us and we will do our best to accomodate you.
Rule 7: Continuity/Godmodding. No godmodding is allowed in this role play. Continuity is also key here. For example, if your character had a birthday celebration already, they’re not going to have another one within the same year. If your character has a quiet, shy persona; they wouldn’t be found drinking crazily, smoking weed and sleeping with the all the other characters after a week. We’re not saying that characters won’t change, but use your common sense. Take the time to develop and grow your characters.
Rule 8: Mature Content. Mature themes are allowed. This role play may contain content such as alcohol, drug use, self-harm, swearing, and sex. You can do skinships on timeline, but more than that (or smut) should only be done on DM. Also, if you're planning to write a story of certain theme (i.g. abuse, self-harm, death, drug use, blood and gory scene) please always use a tag at the beginning of your paragraphs. We want to make sure they’re not a trigger for certain players and at the same time that they’re done respectfully. If you’re unsure and think your plot idea needs checking, just shoot us a message!